The verses of Quran which states “Kill the qafirs (disbelievers) wherever you see them”:
Reply: The reason for revelation of these verses was to guide the Muslims at the time of holy war and directed them to kill the disbelievers as they were used to plot innocent killings by seek and hide manner. As for example, during communal riots or during civil war, the situation may arise that the enemy can come right in front of the house. At such time, God directs and orders the Muslims to kill the disbelievers. Such incident happened during the communal riots of Gujarat in 2002 where Government machineries itself played the role of villain against Muslims. The police who is the public protector, became devour. What a true sky book Quran is! It guides the Muslims “Kill the disbeliever wherever you see” Similarly is the case of Kosovo. So, the God knows the all things of past, present and future. The disbelievers are exposed. Whenever civil war type situation will occur, God gives permission to kill disbelievers, this is valid when the disbelievers attack Muslims. The Muslims will be rewarded as a martyr by God. During Gujarat riots of 2002, eight Muslims were martyred by the Hindu in Lunavada town near Godhara in Gujarat state of India. Their bodies were found after eight months when some labourers were digging out soil for a contractor. The bodies were intact without any sign of decomposition! They were easily recognized by their relatives. The bodies were handed over by police of Lunavada to the relatives. It is recorded in police station of Lunavada! The muslim martyrs were from Karanta village which is about 15 kilometers away from Lunavada. The bodies of Muslim saints never get rotten. The people of past time had witnessed such thing and the people of present time have been witnessing these things as the bodies found intact without any decomposition at the time of reopening of the grave of a Muslim saints as per tradition of some sufi-chain of Islam. Such incidents are the proofs of the truthfulness of Islam.