It is written that earth looks like sphere and it is not flat.
We do not say it comes from God but God teaches us these things and ask us to learn and build or knowledge.
One sign of the day of judgement is that all science will grapped and no more.
Also what is smaller than atom was mintion in the holy Quran.
Also the weakest house which is the spider house was mintioned in the holy Quran as the weakest house.
Also the bug, God created these bugs and mosquitos, can people make the same size and make them fly.
Today mosqitou are under big research, people say what shall we do with this small mosqiuto, and todays amazing observations are shown on these mosquitos by the scientists, God asked us to think about these mosquitos.
The discovery of the Universe and space is achieved by knowledge, and this is also mintioned in the holy Quran.