The aids will come when some one is having illegal relation ship with any woman.
A man who has HIV should respect his community and not marry other woman.
The man with HIV if he wants to marry then he should announce his disease or marry a woman with the same disease.
What starts wrong will end wrongly in most cases if not corrected at the right time.
If there is something Halal why should people go to Haram (forbidden)?
Crazy people are those who know the wrong thing and go for it.
Unfortunately people gets to know the crisis after they do the big mistake.
A Halal relation ship will never never bring disease.
Also remember that god is the most merceful.
Also God punishment is the most.
The aids will come when some one is having illegal relation ship with any woman.
A man who has HIV should respect his community and not marry other woman.
The man with HIV if he wants to marry then he should announce his disease or marry a woman with the same disease.
What starts wrong will end wrongly in most cases if not corrected at the right time.
If there is something Halal why should people go to Haram (forbidden)?
Crazy people are those who know the wrong thing and go for it.
Unfortunately people gets to know the crisis after they do the big mistake.
A Halal relation ship will never never bring disease.
Also remember that god is the most merceful.
Also God punishment is the most.