is that if is known that something bad happens in the West, then it must be assumed that that bad thing happens just as much in the Muslim world as it does in the West. No real data need be referred to here because, a priori, the Muslims are never to be admitted to have done anything better.

On the other hand, if something bad is known to happen in the Muslim world, you are not permitted to suggest that this happens as much in the West, without firm proof. And even with proof, you are supposed to think of some irrelevant difference like "well they do such and such in the name of Islam, but we do not do it in the name of our religion" or some such B.S.

Have you not understood the rules yet, brother? Can you see the underlying motivation?

Similarly, if a Muslim points out something wrong with Western culture, then it is a sign of our general intolerance and hatred. But, if we object to a Westerner insulting us, then we are violating his freedom of speech.

Fall in line, boy!