If some one can not advise correctly then the other people will dislike him.
Always try to find the best way to advice and remember that you should not make people do what you want but express your opinion whether others agree or disagree because you have the freedome to speak and those who are confident will not take it personally.
One of the greatest things you can learn in this life is to listen to others even if you disagree or do not like what are they saying
Personally I think that Gypsy wants to see the good things as they are and watch the bad things as they are and enjoy watching bad things as they are in the name of freedome.
Ok let us remember that you can do what you want but in this case the thing you do should not harm you and not harm others
If some one can not advise correctly then the other people will dislike him.
Always try to find the best way to advice and remember that you should not make people do what you want but express your opinion whether others agree or disagree because you have the freedome to speak and those who are confident will not take it personally.
One of the greatest things you can learn in this life is to listen to others even if you disagree or do not like what are they saying
Personally I think that Gypsy wants to see the good things as they are and watch the bad things as they are and enjoy watching bad things as they are in the name of freedome.
Ok let us remember that you can do what you want but in this case the thing you do should not harm you and not harm others