attention, i mean special attention...(of certain people like Rizko, EMN, etc...)
It is very personal for an individual, how she wanted herself to get described in any working environment. It also depends on the age of a girl...the attitude varies as they mature and behave more responsibly.
There was a message in a factory for all women workers....
"Not to wear loose clothes, to avoid getting their clothes into the machines.....
Not to wear tight clothes to avoid getting Male colleagues eyes getting stuck into"
attention, i mean special attention...(of certain people like Rizko, EMN, etc...)
It is very personal for an individual, how she wanted herself to get described in any working environment. It also depends on the age of a girl...the attitude varies as they mature and behave more responsibly.
There was a message in a factory for all women workers....
"Not to wear loose clothes, to avoid getting their clothes into the machines.....
Not to wear tight clothes to avoid getting Male colleagues eyes getting stuck into"
Be modest and enjoy life!