Exactly, that's what I thought, too!
He was just not an ordinary passenger - he thought of himself!
The crew explained him that the passenger in front of him had the right to recline his seat and the space left is what Qatar Airways offers to all economy class passengers. Nothing convinced him that he was not right. At a point he threatened the crew that they offended him and they were the ones who would be in trouble after we land. I witnessed that the crew never lost their temper and were never offensive to him. It was just as revolting to observe the whole scene, as much as it is when the same type of people tailtag you on the roads in this country!
Exactly, that's what I thought, too!
He was just not an ordinary passenger - he thought of himself!
The crew explained him that the passenger in front of him had the right to recline his seat and the space left is what Qatar Airways offers to all economy class passengers. Nothing convinced him that he was not right. At a point he threatened the crew that they offended him and they were the ones who would be in trouble after we land. I witnessed that the crew never lost their temper and were never offensive to him. It was just as revolting to observe the whole scene, as much as it is when the same type of people tailtag you on the roads in this country!