السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
May peace be upon you

All of us (civilized or not, easterners or westerners) are humans. We all have the qualities of human beings and the flaws of humans as well.

1- Whomever you are, and whatever your argument is, there is an equivalent argument on the opposite side.
*********mirror effect

2- If you studied history, you'll notice that all countries were at least once a superpower. Therefore, difference in the level of "civilization" attained is not due to supremacy of the white or any other ethnicity (sorry to disappoint you)
*********has to do more with your environment/circumstances

3- Europeans who fear that Islam will take over their countries, had the same fear regarding secularism 100 years ago (approx.). Now, most of them are secular countries with christian origins, defending secularism against Islam.
Throughout history, Europeans feared/hated Jews. Guess who is controlling Europe today?!
*********history repeats itself

4- Please stop for a minute and think:
How true is the stereotype Muslim (in Hollywood movies) compared to what you see in Doha?
It is the SAME Hollywood that previously created the "red Indians", "bad tough Germans", "brutal bad Soviets" , and the "mafiaman Italian" stereotypes.
*********please do not generalize.

5- Ever heard of the term "media manipulation"? It applies to ALL contries. If you think otherwise, refer to point 1.
*********welcome to the matrix !!

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
May peace be upon you