If you all recolect this is first statement "i just started this thread cos i noted few northies in QL who speak ill against keralites"
Generalizing...... is human nature. See the wprld around.....one community or sect criticizing others for mis adventures of a few in a prticular sect. That is a broader perspective. Once in while, one may speak ill of our neighbouring coutries or even our neighbouring company ...list is endless. Albeit we all know these neighbours have innumerable positives, we tend to pick one negatve and speak it out....that is humans.......WE think for a moment, we ought not do it.
Humans are united, world is united, so are indians....There is no difference between north, east west or south Indians...this is to clear the minds of those who think otherwise.............. few rotten eggs doesnt mean the whole lot is smelly.
The ideal world would be boundry less placess. Difficult to think of such a scenrio. Need to close this. Thankyou all.
If you all recolect this is first statement "i just started this thread cos i noted few northies in QL who speak ill against keralites"
Generalizing...... is human nature. See the wprld around.....one community or sect criticizing others for mis adventures of a few in a prticular sect. That is a broader perspective. Once in while, one may speak ill of our neighbouring coutries or even our neighbouring company ...list is endless. Albeit we all know these neighbours have innumerable positives, we tend to pick one negatve and speak it out....that is humans.......WE think for a moment, we ought not do it.
Humans are united, world is united, so are indians....There is no difference between north, east west or south Indians...this is to clear the minds of those who think otherwise.............. few rotten eggs doesnt mean the whole lot is smelly.
The ideal world would be boundry less placess. Difficult to think of such a scenrio. Need to close this. Thankyou all.