If I am from the USA then I should have the same opinion as you?

I say clearly I am a Palestinian who has lived in the US over half his life. I am a US citizen. I am a long term lurker on qatarliving who registered to contribute to this conversation. I am a Professor in a US university on sabbatical leave for the year in Qatar--what does this have to do with anything, anyways?

My response was intended to generate adult conversation. The crux of my argument is that many expats here do not understand the geopolitical situation in Israel/Palestine and assume instead that people here are irrational for having the opinion that they do about Israel. A peaceful and just resolution to the problem there is the only way to stop the hate; that starts with understanding the facts on the ground, instead of having the PC opinion that there are no facts and everyone there is equally to blame. My response was not intended in any way to be something you say to your kids--poor choice of thread on my part.