This is awful. Truly awful. I have to say that i feel even more for the traumatised 8 year old who was splattered with blood. I hope he gets over it.

I had an arguement with the management last night. They claim there is nothing they could have done, where as i believe a few suicide nets and some ice hockey style glass barriers would ensure the safety of everyone. They dont cost much... i will pay for them.

If you feel, like me, that this could have been prevented, then please write to the management of CityCentre and let them know what you think.

As for all the reactions here, please remember that we all come from different backgrounds. This means that we will all react a little differently to the same event. However, what we all have in common is the ability to show a bit of decency and empathy to our fellow human beings... to show no empathy/sympathy at all it positively inhuman.

Our thouhts and prayers with the victim's friends and family, and all others affected by it.