All I can say is that it's your own interpretation.
I understand that you may feel affected by what I am saying. But you must accept that it's a fact that the amount of aggressive and abusive behavior encountered here is way above the average of a civilized country. The political system you have here does not allow problems to be exposed publicly and that is why the genuine intangible progress at human level (not the display of the tangible grandiose shallow and useless facades) is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow here!
Do you realize that most of the people here would not even dare to say what they think, in public or to the media??!!
Harmony is maintained here with control and fear and that is not fare! Anyway I could be here writing an assay about thinks that really bother my conscience of being here, but this is not the right place. The purpose of my participation in this post has been met, by advising SYD to be prepared for a great amount of danger, abuse and aggressiveness on the Qatari roads. The rest we may leave it for other forums or perhaps, the international free press.
All I can say is that it's your own interpretation.
I understand that you may feel affected by what I am saying. But you must accept that it's a fact that the amount of aggressive and abusive behavior encountered here is way above the average of a civilized country. The political system you have here does not allow problems to be exposed publicly and that is why the genuine intangible progress at human level (not the display of the tangible grandiose shallow and useless facades) is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow here!
Do you realize that most of the people here would not even dare to say what they think, in public or to the media??!!
Harmony is maintained here with control and fear and that is not fare! Anyway I could be here writing an assay about thinks that really bother my conscience of being here, but this is not the right place. The purpose of my participation in this post has been met, by advising SYD to be prepared for a great amount of danger, abuse and aggressiveness on the Qatari roads. The rest we may leave it for other forums or perhaps, the international free press.