FLOMASTER, yes..the grill and charcoals.

ZINC, Interesting Idea. We'll run it by all on Friday and see what they think.

DREAMER, You're right. I guess we could divide responsibilities after we get a final headcount. I could think of some items requiring ownership such as:

1. Net(s), Poles, red tape for the lines (ZINC)
2. Vballs
3. Coolers filled with Ice (SAM)
4. Water bottles
5. Soft drinks
6. Grill, charcoals, fire starters, matches (SAM)
7. Hot dogs/Kebabs/Hamburgers...etc (FLOMASTER) (SAM)
8. Rolls/Buns
9. Condiments
10. Potato chips
11. Paper towels
12. Music??
13. Towel to be used to dry off the Vball

mmmm I'm sure I missed something. We can get this list out every week so people could select/alternate ownership. This list may expand as our plans get more interesting (fishing, island, sealine..) I went ahead and placed my name next to items I could take care of this coming Friday. I've also placed ZINC's and FLOMASTER's
