As I said, Askme is missing an integral issue on his posting, one being some people NEED the money, and some families have completely different dynamics. He may not be able to comprehend this as back home we generally need 2 incomes where here is it genrally not an issue for 2 reasons. 1 being that most of the men of our households make enough money to keep a family, and 2, a womans place in the home is considered her role. She shouldnt have to worry herself with financial aspects not because it is a prinitive way for a man to control his woman but rather she has enough on her plate taking care of her household.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Lol, Tallg, we are just dumb womenfolk ;)
As I said, Askme is missing an integral issue on his posting, one being some people NEED the money, and some families have completely different dynamics. He may not be able to comprehend this as back home we generally need 2 incomes where here is it genrally not an issue for 2 reasons. 1 being that most of the men of our households make enough money to keep a family, and 2, a womans place in the home is considered her role. She shouldnt have to worry herself with financial aspects not because it is a prinitive way for a man to control his woman but rather she has enough on her plate taking care of her household.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"