Actually Tallg, there is a bit of truth to what askme is saying, although he may have missed the fact that a lot of families need 2 incomes, and that all family dynamics and needs are different.
We women are nurturers, in the past it was just accepted that women would stay home. In all actuality, staying home and raising well rounded children is more difficult that going out to work. There is nothing sexist in this, nor should it be construed as an "old fashioned" notion. If you choose as a woman to work outside the home good luck but I do feel that it is critical for children to have have their mothers around.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Actually Tallg, there is a bit of truth to what askme is saying, although he may have missed the fact that a lot of families need 2 incomes, and that all family dynamics and needs are different.
We women are nurturers, in the past it was just accepted that women would stay home. In all actuality, staying home and raising well rounded children is more difficult that going out to work. There is nothing sexist in this, nor should it be construed as an "old fashioned" notion. If you choose as a woman to work outside the home good luck but I do feel that it is critical for children to have have their mothers around.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"