This is all contorted. There are education allowances based on a certain number of kids (max 3 in some places, 4 in others). It is the same as asking for reimbursment for 4 flights as this is the maximum paid by the company when there are only 3 members of your family.

This is an arabic country, and as an arabic country they choose to educate arabs rather than other nationalities I think it is their perogative. International students in the west are chatged 3 times more tuition than citizens, native Indians in Canada get free University where the rest of us pay through the nose.

In the west we get Child Tax Benefit checks monthly based on the number of children we have. In this line of argument should my sister who has no children be asking the government for cheques based on her "child bearing potential"?

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"