PM. I am sure I have explained this to you on many occasions but nevertheless I'll give it another go:
suicide is when one takes ones own life i.e the action to end one's life is taken voluntarily for whatever reason.
martyrdom in Islam is when the muslim is killed whilst fighting; preparing to fight or supporting the fighting directly through one's opinion or wealth. Thus the one who enters the battle knowing he or she will most likely get killed, but he or she is fighting the enemy for the sake of Allah to make Islam prevail, is considered a martyr.i.e he/she is shaheed. Thus when jihad is declared the soldiers killed in the islamic army are considered martyrs because they died fighting for Islam.
when the muslims who are fighting the occupier to defend their land, property and honour resort to such means as blowing themselves up with the intention to inflict as many casualties as possible; this action is not considered suicide. this person has died whilst engaging the enemy and is rewarded as a martyr. those who undertake such actions do not do it to kill themselves but rather they do it to kill the enemy even if it is likely that they may also be killed. thus it is not the outcome of the action but rather the intention of the action.
besides even during the time of the prophet (saw) the muslims whilst engaging the enemies in warfare would often undertake actions that would likely lead to their deaths. Such as the attempted storming of a fort whilst the enemy is overhead and shooting arrows at you or pouring boiling oil over you. however the prophet (saw) did not prevent the muslims from doing this.
thus you need to understand what is allowed and what is not allowed from Islam when it comes to fighting Jihad or when to comes to defending ones property, life or honour as the case in palestine.
As for the solution I remind the muslims that Al-Quds was conquered by the muslim armies under the leadership of Omar bin Khattab (ra) and during the liberation of palestine many of the prophets (saw) companions were killed and martyred in the process. Omar (ra) the 2nd Khalif of the muslims drew up a treaty with the local christians that allowed the christians to stay in al-Quds but the jews were not allowed to come in the area and this treaty remained in force until the 20th century.
PM. I am sure I have explained this to you on many occasions but nevertheless I'll give it another go:
suicide is when one takes ones own life i.e the action to end one's life is taken voluntarily for whatever reason.
martyrdom in Islam is when the muslim is killed whilst fighting; preparing to fight or supporting the fighting directly through one's opinion or wealth. Thus the one who enters the battle knowing he or she will most likely get killed, but he or she is fighting the enemy for the sake of Allah to make Islam prevail, is considered a martyr.i.e he/she is shaheed. Thus when jihad is declared the soldiers killed in the islamic army are considered martyrs because they died fighting for Islam.
when the muslims who are fighting the occupier to defend their land, property and honour resort to such means as blowing themselves up with the intention to inflict as many casualties as possible; this action is not considered suicide. this person has died whilst engaging the enemy and is rewarded as a martyr. those who undertake such actions do not do it to kill themselves but rather they do it to kill the enemy even if it is likely that they may also be killed. thus it is not the outcome of the action but rather the intention of the action.
besides even during the time of the prophet (saw) the muslims whilst engaging the enemies in warfare would often undertake actions that would likely lead to their deaths. Such as the attempted storming of a fort whilst the enemy is overhead and shooting arrows at you or pouring boiling oil over you. however the prophet (saw) did not prevent the muslims from doing this.
thus you need to understand what is allowed and what is not allowed from Islam when it comes to fighting Jihad or when to comes to defending ones property, life or honour as the case in palestine.
As for the solution I remind the muslims that Al-Quds was conquered by the muslim armies under the leadership of Omar bin Khattab (ra) and during the liberation of palestine many of the prophets (saw) companions were killed and martyred in the process. Omar (ra) the 2nd Khalif of the muslims drew up a treaty with the local christians that allowed the christians to stay in al-Quds but the jews were not allowed to come in the area and this treaty remained in force until the 20th century.