Are there any things that society has changed that you feel aren't "good?" When does society determine to change laws? With the legislative process, through the popular democratic means? How does the discussion take place?

Discussions about homosexuality, and specifically gay marriage, have been ongoing for many years. There are many misperceptions and stereotypes that are being erased by these discussions, which I find has helped with tolerance. But if you follow society (American, in this case), you would have been "against" gay marriage until only recently. In fact, in most states (the majority) in the United States, society has still reacted negatively towards it. During this debate- which may last a long time- where do you stand? What is good and what is not (or evil)?

Do you take part in the debate? If a majority of society disagrees with you, do you follow their idea of "good?" If society makes a law that you oppose, what is your rationale in opposing it?

In Qatar, there are laws based on what is good and evil. As you are in this society, do you follow their laws? Does their society or religion change your idea of good and evil?

Of course, the United States isn't the moral guide for the rest of the world. Not even remotely. This is just a question and I needed a backdrop that I understood...