Those of us who are Christian (Muslims, Jews, too, I think) believe in God because that belief gives us peace. Peace. The happiness in our heart that our lives have purpose- not only in this world, but purpose that carries us through eternity. The concepts of the Old and New Testaments (and all the other books of faith in Christianity) were testimonies of men and women who witnessed the power of faith in their lives. These books testify of the power of God and his Plan. They aren't perfect- neither the books nor the people. How could they be? But we can relate to these imperfect people and their imperfect books because they testify of their experience with the same God.

Peace, much like God, is intangible. You can't see it or measure it. Why would you need to? You either have peace or you do not.

Many of us will differ on God's instructions to his children. But in my mind, one thing is clear: If your message to others does not bring them peace, is your message of God? Does it open- or harden- hearts? The message that many devout believers (of Christianity et al) share on this site about their religions is commendable, but are you promoting or hindering your religion?

None of use can prove that God exists. The Testaments teach us that even when people were shown the miracles of God, they disbelieved. And even believers doubt from time to time.

I will testify to you all, though, that I have found periods of true peace with my religion. I'm not talking about miracles: glowing rods of power, pillars of fire, or parting seas. Peace in my heart that has comforted me at times when I have felt alone. A profound feeling that there is more than "this."

Though these threads seem to never really find closure...and all posts- good and bad- are passed over without much thought, I hope the athiests can ask themselves the same question I posed above: Does the message that you have concerning the purpose of your life bring you peace? Will your message bring peace to others?