Punishment's like this are unacceptable, but it seems Iran are taking steps in the right direction, albeit slowly.
The following is from the same article that bAbA-blAcksheep extracted his post from - as with all good 'flamebait' posts he only posted the sensationalist part of a story, not the surround information as well.
"In August, the judiciary said it had scrapped the punishment [of stoning] in Iran’s new Islamic penal code, whose outlines have been adopted by the parliament but its details are yet to be debated by MPs before final approval and coming into effect.
The judiciary also said stoning sentences against several convicts had been suspended and commuted to either lashes or jail terms"
Punishment's like this are unacceptable, but it seems Iran are taking steps in the right direction, albeit slowly.
The following is from the same article that bAbA-blAcksheep extracted his post from - as with all good 'flamebait' posts he only posted the sensationalist part of a story, not the surround information as well.