Why do you PEOPLE Specially soniya Blame it on the Paki's there are some Pakis I know and they are so not like this. Well forget tht THe INDIANS will alwaays blame the PAKIS for everything that happens. The made some poor people say tht there was also a Paki girl wearing a BURKHA and knocking on theier doors>.... That is totaly messed up. However Indians on the other side have planned this stuuff as well. One time I was watching BBC news and saw that Indians of India breaking thier own Train Stations kiilling people and other sht like that...
Now who is the Terrorist. However I am not a Pakistani or Indian or any of those Westerns... But you just cant blame people like that. I am referring to:
soniya said sorry guys, i dont want to ...
sorry guys, i dont want to make myself dirty by hijacking these BLOODY people from the origin on one dirty country...PUUHHHHHHHHLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZ..
Nite rider, if i would have been a terrorist, i would have killed u first..now lots of LOL from me.....now laugh dear !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you PEOPLE Specially soniya Blame it on the Paki's there are some Pakis I know and they are so not like this. Well forget tht THe INDIANS will alwaays blame the PAKIS for everything that happens. The made some poor people say tht there was also a Paki girl wearing a BURKHA and knocking on theier doors>.... That is totaly messed up. However Indians on the other side have planned this stuuff as well. One time I was watching BBC news and saw that Indians of India breaking thier own Train Stations kiilling people and other sht like that...
Now who is the Terrorist. However I am not a Pakistani or Indian or any of those Westerns... But you just cant blame people like that.
I am referring to:
soniya said sorry guys, i dont want to ...
sorry guys, i dont want to make myself dirty by hijacking these BLOODY people from the origin on one dirty country...PUUHHHHHHHHLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZ..
Nite rider, if i would have been a terrorist, i would have killed u first..now lots of LOL from me.....now laugh dear !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I m praying that present indian captain is very wise..V shld boycott playing with PAKIs now..
~Posted from the OverLord~
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