amnesia - regarding your point about people automatically believing the poster;
I believe this is an inevitable consequence of living somewhere where news stories are "covered up", to use your phrase.
If issues and incidents aren't reported in the news then people will look to other sources, of which QL is one. In the absence of a more official account of the situation, and the absence of any contradicting information, this is all people have to go on. So why shouldn't they believe it?
amnesia - regarding your point about people automatically believing the poster;
I believe this is an inevitable consequence of living somewhere where news stories are "covered up", to use your phrase.
If issues and incidents aren't reported in the news then people will look to other sources, of which QL is one. In the absence of a more official account of the situation, and the absence of any contradicting information, this is all people have to go on. So why shouldn't they believe it?