oh..well , this thread is still on? lol....a woman who marries non muslim is getting out of islam it doesnt matter whether they are 3500 woman as Platao said, or 500000000000000 woman married to non muslim, and it doesnt matter whether its bcz the non muslims helping those woman bcz they are poor! when we follow Allahs way we dont care to remain poor , it is better to remain poor than to leave Allah.as i said a muslim girl knows since she was born that she is for a muslim man, it is in our blood,heart and mind, so before she falls inlove if she is really a good muslim her heart doesnt choose other than muslim or a person that will accept islam. Platao as u said (((in Morrocco, last year around 35000 women married non muslim men, were all just to run from Morroco?
If it weren't the "unbelivers" helping developping the "belivers" countries, where would you all be? Walking sheeeps? Raising camels? Unable to cross a see in a plane?))) ok you said it ..so these woman wanted good life right? they wanted to avoid raising camels right? then thse woman didnt go for love , they married to find a better life , it is the same as i said they are after money or ur passports. Real love to us is Allah..first Allah then man so if they love Allah they would not go for money, they would show those nonmuslim the right path of Allah insitead of looking for money. shame on them., they are counted as are not muslim any more until they seek forgiveness from Allah, and the forgiveness is only accepted if we ask Allah we dont repeat the same mistakes again. if we are lucky to seek forgiveness before its too late.

I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!