Nope Adnan, if that would have been the case then there was no chance for suspension damage, yaa one more thing.. if you are talking abt the reinforcement bars, I do agree all the cars have them, but those bars were broken into small pieces and most of the companies are doing front crushes for safety tests…
Second thing… if the car would have rose high and flipped, then the safety rails of the divider would definitely have been broken…
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Nope Adnan, if that would have been the case then there was no chance for suspension damage, yaa one more thing.. if you are talking abt the reinforcement bars, I do agree all the cars have them, but those bars were broken into small pieces and most of the companies are doing front crushes for safety tests…
Second thing… if the car would have rose high and flipped, then the safety rails of the divider would definitely have been broken…
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill