exactly britexpat...people start Islam bashing everywhere....Islamophobes are here too!

"dmightlysolomon", i can easily start posting the oppression of "christian" women, the rape statistics of US of where women are claimed to be "liberated" and not "oppressed" etc...also its you the liberation police (with their own motives) who term every muslim women as "oppressed"....

u said: "Because it is a fact that equality among Muslim women doesn't exist at all"......FACT???? Why, because u said it? You know what the fact is: u like it or u hate it, Islam IS the fastest growing religion of the world, majority of the converts to Islam are women!

Its not islam which is intolerant to other religions/faith but rather its the other faiths who are intolerant towards Islam and its values. If given a choice u would even say that Mother Mary was oppressed, looking at her dress and also the Nuns, who cover their heads and look similar to muslim women...