
It is already well known that at certain times or time of the year that certain areas are 'no-go' areas for Bachelors - by the way no specific race was singled out but due to the sheer volume of single men from the Indian Subcontinent- the rules weigh heavily on them.

The rules are there because of the fact that there is lack of capacity/infastructure to absorb all the people into all the popular locations. This is something that needs to be addressed.

There have been numerous reports of single men behaving in immoral ways. Of course not all single men are immoral but why would the authorities take such a risk in allowing thousands of single males into areas wherein there are many families/ single women and many families with young females with them?


If the police deem it necessary to use some force to control the crowds then it is their perogative and their right. It happens in all societies - US and European police use horses/ batons / water/ Gas to control crowds-- just go to youtube to see it for yourself.


The concept of Human Rights comes from the western or capitalist Ideology and contradicts many tenants of Islamic law. According to Human Rights man has the 'freedom of reglion' and 'freedom of speech', 'freedom of association' and 'freedom of ownership'.
In Islam a muslim cannot change his religion - if a muslim becomes an apostate then he is given a period of time to re-think his decision- if he persists then he is killed- thus there is no 'freedom of religion' in Islam.

A muslim cannot say what he wants. He cannot blaspheme prophets or God. A muslim is censored for lying or talking disparingly to his parents. A muslim cannot write erotic novels and there are many other things a muslim cannot say/write - thus in Islam there is no 'freedom of speech'

A muslim cannot associate with whom he pleases. There are rules on segregation/ free mixing and the manner and context in which interaction between these sexes takes place as defined by Sharia - hence there is no 'freedom of association' in Islam.

A Muslims cannot own what he wants. In Islam certain properties remain the property of the muslims at large such as the oil/gas/coal , water and certain types of land- all of which cannot be privatised or owned by private individuals- thus freedom of ownership does not exist in Islam.

Thus I frankly don't give a damn what the 'Human Rights' organisations and legislation state because it is not what I or muslims should use a a yardstick. Or yardstick is the sharia and anything else that agrees or contradicts with it remains kufr (disbelief). Thus Democracy or Capitalism and all of its concepts such as the call to Human Rights are forbidden for muslims to adopt and support and call for.

Islam has its own rules and systems and thoughts to deal with societies affairs in a comprehensive and complete manner. When Islam was implemented comprehensively, the muslims were the leading nation for 1400 years. When Islam was not implemented the muslims became declined, split into over 55 nations and have become weak, exploited and humiliated from Kosovo to Xinjaing in China.

Thus, Racism if forbidden in Islam, like nationalism (asabiya) is forbidden. Muhammed (saw) said'The Islamic Ummah is one Ummah to the exlusion of others'.

Therefore if the actions of denying access to bachelors is proved to be racist then it is rejected. If the action is some ill-thought solution to controlling access and crowd control to certain places then it is up to them though I am sure there are better ways of doing it.