
It is fine to ask questions; pose scenarios and delve into critical analysis of any matter if one is searching for answers; otherwise what purpose does such an investigation serve- I hope you are looking for answers.

One important matter which needs to be understood is that the sharia rules (defined as the Address of the Legislator in regards to man's actions by way of compulsion, choice or according to the situation) are rules which emanate or branch our from the Creed/basis/foundation of Islam. The sharia covers all mans actions and solves all his problems. It is due to the nature of Islam that enables all problems, past present and ones that may occur in the future to be given a sharia verdict. The Islamic text including the Quran and Sunnah (actions, saying and silence of the Prophet) have laid down all that is required for sharia rules to be extrapolated for new events or realities through a combination of Qiyas (legal analogy) or through the process of Itjihad (legal exhertion by the scholar to the best of his ability to drive the sharia rule for the new event using the sources of Sharia). The Arabic language also plays a very important role since The Quran is revealed in Arabic and through the richness of Arabic the Islamic thoughts are contained therein. There is an endless amount of thought and discussion which can be had on any subject. However any thoughts to remain Islamic or rules to remain Islamic must have their basis on sharia evidence since muslims are obliged to follow the sharia and not persons per se. It is on the same basis we can determine and outweigh Islamic opinions derived by the scholars in which a difference of opinion exists. Difference of opinion exists because certain texts in the Quran are not definate in meaning and scholars interpreted them in different- these are legitamate difference in certain details- however on many issues there are no differences such as the obligation to prayer, fast, pay Zakat (alms), hajj, live under an Islamic state; ensure there is one Khalif (ruler) over the Muslims.

Thus in summary the Sharia covers all facets of life and provides the solutions to all of the problems of humanity today or what may occur in the future.

As mentioned the Sharia are the branches which emanate from the Source or the basis of Islam which is its Belief. The belief or Creed of a muslim is To: Believe in God, His Books, His Messengers, Angels, Heaven and Hell and Divine Fate and Destiny (the Good and Bad coming from God).

Muslims must come to the Islamic belief intellectually through the rational method of thinking and not have blind faith. Thus anyone who becomes a muslim must be convinced that Islam is the truth. This conviction in Islam then makes it a no brainer in following the sharia rules since the objective for the muslim is defined i.e Islam answers the greatest question for any human ; a) Where did we come from? b) What are we to do in this life? c)Where happens to us when we die? Thus the question of man, life and universe are solved for man and he can progress in life in a tranquil manner irrespective of the hardships that he may encounter becuase Islam states that man is created to worship God and to worship is to follow and obey His commands. Man hope to acquire the pleasure of His creator and enter paradise in which eternal bliss awaits or faces Hell fire where an great punishment awaits for his sins and trangression.

Going back to the rational thinking; we can prove through ration i.e what we can sense and make a jusdgment on ; that from the articles of the Islamic Belief; 3 can be established through ration. These being: 1. Existence of God; 2) Quran being the word of God and 3. Muhammed being a messenger. The other beliefs (angles, heaven/hell and fate and destiny) are derived from the Text i.e Quran

1. Existence of God- though we cannot sense God himself we can sense the effects of God through his creation. Through contemplation we conclude that all matter is created and dependant on something else for its existence. Thus all matter is limited and needy and its existence must be something other than matter since matter by itself cannot create or sustain itself. This something else by definition cannot be like matter, limited by dependency or space or time. This something has to be unlimited and uncreated otherwise it too would be limited and needy and dependant. The thing which is not like creation or limited or needy has to be the creator that sustains matter; has established the rules for matter and is above all the rules that restrict matter i.e make matter limited, needy and dependant.

2. The Quran - It is the speech of God. This article of the belief is established through ration because we can sense the Quran and thus make a judgement on it. The Quran is in arabic script. The language of the Quran surpasses all know arabic in terms of its style. The style is unknown since it neither poetry or prose. The arabs who were the masters of the arabic language at the time the Quran was revealed were humbled before its majesty. They could not match its eloquence - the best poets tried and failed. The Quran is miraculous becuase it breaks the rules of arabic language yet manages to be the loftiest of books, unsurpassed in its style; eloquence and grandeur. The challenge set forth in the Quran to all was for those doubting its authenticity (i.e denying it ot be revelation) to being one verse like it - the shortest verse in the Quran is three sentences. No-one has or will be able to bring anything like it. Thus the Qruan was not from the arabs including Muhammed (who was also an Arab) since they could not bring anything like it; the non arabs couldn't becuase they were not master of the arabic language thus the only possible source is that the Quran is from the Creator.

3) Muhammed being a Messenger - Since the proof of the one claiming messengership is through the performance of a miracle (an event that breaks the laws of the universe) Muhammed's miracle and challenge to the non beleivers was the Quran (see point 2 above). Since the Quran is proven to be revelation then the one who bought it must be a Messenger. Think about it.

The believe in angels, heaven and hell etc are all established in the Quran and the muslims are ordered to believe in them.

More to follow.