We send our kids off to die for other countries...
Dam that so evil...
We feed the poor
Dam that so evil...
We get a idiot for a president...
That is evil..
But we thought we doing the right thing...
You know were good people...
Just nice to have someone to blame for everything I guess
So blame us...One day we go back to Isolation...
And screw ya all...fend for yourself..
You can't teach experience
We send our kids off to die for other countries...
Dam that so evil...
We feed the poor
Dam that so evil...
We get a idiot for a president...
That is evil..
But we thought we doing the right thing...
You know were good people...
Just nice to have someone to blame for everything I guess
So blame us...One day we go back to Isolation...
And screw ya all...fend for yourself..
You can't teach experience