but if for one second there is a person out there pregnant and doesn't want the child.. abort it... where is that child going to go after it's born... if there are people out there who wish to adopt... why do we still have orphans? Human beings are selfish... they will want a new born baby... but what about a 3 year old, a 9 year, a 15 year old... why are these children stuck in the system with no one willing to help them, and do you think we have enough social services representatives to take care of them... NO. A woman forced to keep a child after she's been raped... why should the child be punished... both are being punished... each time the mother looks at this child she will relive her rape... give up the child.. to eventually find out he was conceived through a rape.. what effect do you think that would have on him???
but if for one second there is a person out there pregnant and doesn't want the child.. abort it... where is that child going to go after it's born... if there are people out there who wish to adopt... why do we still have orphans? Human beings are selfish... they will want a new born baby... but what about a 3 year old, a 9 year, a 15 year old... why are these children stuck in the system with no one willing to help them, and do you think we have enough social services representatives to take care of them... NO. A woman forced to keep a child after she's been raped... why should the child be punished... both are being punished... each time the mother looks at this child she will relive her rape... give up the child.. to eventually find out he was conceived through a rape.. what effect do you think that would have on him???
Never say Never for fear of Forever!!