by the way, you're not a pussy (as what others said) when you bend or give-in to your girl's wishes...this only makes you a perfect GENTLEMAN.

though it takes two to tango, or "give n take" is good, for me, i would rather love someone if he's more flexible to give-in to my wishes (not demands or commands)coz it's how guys would melt gals and kinda cute when you put more effort for her sake...

depends on the culture, in arab world (based on what i observed), a man is "the MAN" if .. he decides on everything, from the house, housemaid, children's school, clothes, food, where to go, etc. only he has the right to go out alone but the miserable wife can't go without him or his green light?, only he can divorce the wife whenever he wants (as for the wife, well you'll be lucky if you can get out of his life and you have to be court for heaven knows until when just to get out of his life), an older sister can't marry or even go to malls without the his approval (very controlling), only he can do whatever he wants, goes to places where ever he wants, meet people whomever he wants...all these only he has the freedom to do so, poor girl left under his control from what time you should be home, what to wear, how not to have access to the net (always thinking you might do something or meet someone), it's always malicious to make male friends, even to shake hands! (i mean it's a very decent and ethical gesture when you are being introduced)...isn't this always a good gesture when you meet someone, it's even a good sign of diplomacy(see pics of presidents, ministers et al) what's wrong with that? it might take years for me to understand why it's malicious...and not many things...anyway, i'll leave you in peace coz things are not getting into the issue..hehe