GT.lucero... he needs a lawyer for a service... as we dont know what are the circumstances in his bank transaction to undergo...

if ones fund is already placed under any bank in Phils... its really difficult to cash it out if you're away...

but one move i'd done to cashed for the same is...
i just call the manager of my branch bank to request for an MC application form (managers check form) to hand it with my representative then mail it to me... have fill it up send it back to Phils... mailing fee is only QAR4.00 and they received it within 10days only. NOT COSTLY.

one thing you should do, is... open a checking account... bring with you the checkbook so that anytime you have else to pay to... just used it right away...

another option is.. register your account for an internet banking.. although.. not almost of our neccesities are catered by bank services yet several transactions we may pay are very useful.

~~~simply call me BONITO ~~~