i got mine after a lot of hassle with al khebra school and i can't tell ya da ordeal i had 2 go through ( i swear if it wasn't for the nice police officer he exempted me from doing da Parking wooowhow big relief..and i just did the road test)..man for starters i insist you train with an automatic if ur school has the option available..its saves you a lot of hassle..and another important thing..train with the car they'll be testing you with for the exam..don't let them train you on another car n by the time your all used 2 it..it kinda gets clumsy to drive another car..or if worst comes 2 worst..let them train ya with da car that's being used for the exam few days before da test so you can get comfortable

and your trainer has 2 specifically train ya on the roads usually used by police officers for the test...and its a good idea if you ask other ppl who are training too..

i hope i addressed some of your questions..u can always pm me if u need anything else..