I actually find Berlusconi really humorous. He has compared himself to God and Napoleon (but a taller version LOL) and has defended Mussolini in the past. I especially liked his opinion that magistrates and judges should subject themselves to psychiatrist exams. He is certainly an interesting person. Perhaps being a media mogul has moulded him into the controversial figure that he is? But I digress...

It certainly seems like he is leaning more towards fascism. He has in the past given the go ahead to the military to use live rounds on immigrants arriving on Italian shores. Pyscho. Aside for the military power, he more or less controls the media and though he has pushed policies on lowering taxes and more public spending (thereby increasing its debt-not so good), which may at first appear like the democratic way to go, he's awfully quiet when it comes to certain monopolies. He reportedly controls 90% of the media.

I think the guy should focus more on reviving Italy as an economic great rather than spending his time mimicking the steps of his apparent mentor, Mussolini. Obviously he has major clout having been elected thrice to the office. I think in many ways he's diverting attention away from pertinent issues and onto silly matters like DNA testing purposefully to protect his interests and those of his croonies. More and more we're seeing his true political stance.