KE... It is always very very hard..... being around this person for a long time and being through a lot togehter... But in the end it is not about what is right or wrong for that person, it is about right or wrong for you. In your own oppinion....

Listen very close to your heart..... And then be realistic. If this person has done you wrong many many times...maybe there should be a break from each other/ from the "always being with this person" part. Let each other be for a while and after a while come back toghether again and talk. Use the time that you don't spend with eachother anymore to think, the both of you. And then come to a understanding.
But lay down the boundries for that person. If you are always taking care of other people and then yourself... you should turn that around a little bit more. Take care of you and then other people... You can only give so much... but you shouldn't forget about yourself.

Take care... it is always difficult....

Be safe.
hugs, J


Life is nothing without friends.... :)

QL.... just a (very nice) way of live..... :)