
first and foremost you stand-by by your decision and preference in life afer all its YOU who will be with your lifetime partner and not your mother...although your mother will take a role but not as adecision maker but to guide you because mother only wants best for her child.

i will give few hints/guide how to chose your partner although this is not 100% success formula but reather just a guide;

- he should be GOD Fearing man.
- seeing from outside manisfestation is not enough because a good man, virtues and good deeds comes from an inner self.
- religion is not an ISSUE there are many successful marriages with an interfaith background , but i would highly suggest if you prefer of the same religion.
-a guy who konws how to say sorry in t he event he makes mistakes.
-shows utmost respect , never boastful ,and never proud.

god bless u