Also, try to save a cash payment for a vehicle. There are bargains if you can pay one lump sum payment for a used vehicle. (people leaving) Banks and the loans are not cheap. Found the loan terms and fees to be considerably higher than home, and not a bargain. The best plan is to arrange a ride with a coworker, pay them for gas, until you find a good vehicle in Qatar Living. Withing 2 months you will come across someone leaving and selling at a discount.
Also, try to save a cash payment for a vehicle. There are bargains if you can pay one lump sum payment for a used vehicle. (people leaving) Banks and the loans are not cheap. Found the loan terms and fees to be considerably higher than home, and not a bargain. The best plan is to arrange a ride with a coworker, pay them for gas, until you find a good vehicle in Qatar Living. Withing 2 months you will come across someone leaving and selling at a discount.