Thanks all for your help except for MRST2009( you obviously didn’t read my post did you ??)
For your information we are all here in Qatar, my wife holds the family visa since she is the international lawyer

I finally solved it

This is a trip to the UK NOT Qatar ( note mrst2009 !)
The UK embassy forwarded my email to the visa section for UK.
You need the following

Marriage certificate (we were married in UK and this links us together).
British Birth Certificate of child ( this links mother and father to child )
Photocopy of fathers passport ( this demonstrate the father id )
These details are linked to our previous entry last month and as such we make regular trips to the UK.
It’s just that my wife heard many scare stories and like any parent was anxious
To add to this I will write a short note explaining the details and provide a recent photograph of our family showing what we all look like and it can be compared to our passport photos
Yes medohaqatar

Best to provide more than needed documentation including my contact number; just hope I’m not flying when they actually arrive at immigration.