Try to evaluate before you take the plunge:
You want a car right? Is having a car a matter of life and death with you? With the 2500 salary for now, you can hardly get a loan to have one. You might find, from a friend maybe, but im sure the regular payment will definitely affect your daily living requirements. We'll if you are really ready to sacrifice; almost no food to eat, no allowance to buy what you like, find an accommodation for 200-300qr monthly if there is...go on. TAKE NOTE THAT, expenses does'nt end in just getting the car right there & then. The moment you got it expect continous cash outlay forpetrol, repairs & maintenance definitely since you might settle for 2nd hand car, insurance, registration and be careful in driving if ever.

For you to prepare for what they need from you...SAVE FROM NOW ON. What they need from you is money/payment OR ur capacity to pay. And from your side, ask youself/evaluate if you got capacity to maintain the car based on the foregoing. Just a friendly advice. Still, the coice is yours. GOODLUCK