after reading what you wrote...

"If a Muslim feels they must live under a system called "shariah" -- even though what is called shariah can be widely varied depending on local culture and tribal custome -- then they should go to a country where that exists."

i think you spoke for the both of us...

i mean if there trying to get into a country that has a better economy and better living but want there old world culture and laws... THATS JUST TOO BAD...

if i wanted to smoke pot... and im from holland... and i decide i want to move to america... i just lost my right to smoke pot... enough said.

i understand that back in the day when europeans ran sacked america and stole the land from the indians we basicly did just that and made our own laws...

but... that was hunreds of years ago... and im sorry but i am part indian and i dont care that my land was taken...

now days everyone realizes that it is wrong and unless you take over in office of what ever country you are in... then you cant just expect to be treated like your more privalaged...

wow i just reread that and im jumping all over the place... if it didnt make since i will reiterate