ALL religions preach eternal suffering in hellfire for those who do not beileve the ONE TRUE FAITH....theirs!

Religion does NOT divides...there are too many examples to name but here are just 2 off the top of my head:
The hundred years war bewteen France and England (both Christian nations).
The civil war in Lebanon (between different religions and even different sects of the same religion of the same country!).

No my friend....the banner under which the MOST blood has ever been shed in human history is religion's.

As for religion being the benchmark of family...also wrong...again which religion?? One religion's polygamy is banned in another!!
Are you saying those who do not beleieve in religion cannot have a good family?? Utter Rubish.

The best way to preach harmony and tolerance is to IGNORE Religion's bigotry and keep an open mind! There is not ONE religion that says we are all right and all will go to heaven! NOT ONE!

Stay Safe.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?