Plus if you know anything about the laws in Canada you'd see that's not what they say....and just because there MIGHT be family like that doesn't mean all Canadian families are like that!
Just like I would not want to live in a neighborhood where the women are slaves and chattel, beaten daily and the dad has 4 wives, screws the maids but Mom wouldn't dare say a word lest she be stoned...just because there MIGHT be a family like that in the middle east doesn't mean all of them live like that!

But honestly, if you'd rather follow some thousands of year old work of fiction, and refuse to see the dangers of mixing state and religion, then that's your perogative...but to attack Canadian laws and life in Canada as anything but enviable...would make you a very disctict minority in the world....though we are secure enough to say you are entitled to your opinion =)

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?