Some people will undoubtably not like my opinion, but here it is:

Cencorship is BAD!

And no, I don't think all material is appropriate for all audiences (example, pornography for children)....but all adults have to make up their own minds about that (or guardians for minors)....once you are an adult, then no one has the right to tell you what you can and cannot see or read. If it offends, do not read it, but give the choice to others.
Controvercially I think that should even extend to what I may find vile (like hate literrature)....but the spectrum is simply too varied for anyone to be able to make that call for all people....we have such varying tastes, and as long as you are not hurting others you should be allowed to say, view, read whatever you like.
Once you start down the slippery slope of cencorship, then there is no turning back. But it takes a certain level of liberal thinking to realize that and quite frankly, not all societies are there yet.

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?