THAT in a nutshell is the root of all the wrold's problems. The fact that we have limited resources and the human race has NOT learned to share. It becomes a zero sum game...the more someone has, the less others will have. Its sickening to think that something like 85% of the world's resources and wealth are owned/controlled by something like 15% of the population.
Maybe i'm just a sci-fi geek, but it makes Gene Roddenbury's vision (the creator of Star Trek) of an future earth where obsession with material posession if finally overcome, THAT much more poignant. Alas I fear it is destined to remain a dream.
Stories like the one above just brings a tear to my eye...but thank you for sharing it gypsy gal....maybe it will stir the collective concience....perhaps alone we cannot do much, but if we all act together, we can shape our world into anything we want it to be. Here's hoping it will be better than the one we live today, for the sake of our children.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
THAT in a nutshell is the root of all the wrold's problems. The fact that we have limited resources and the human race has NOT learned to share. It becomes a zero sum game...the more someone has, the less others will have. Its sickening to think that something like 85% of the world's resources and wealth are owned/controlled by something like 15% of the population.
Maybe i'm just a sci-fi geek, but it makes Gene Roddenbury's vision (the creator of Star Trek) of an future earth where obsession with material posession if finally overcome, THAT much more poignant. Alas I fear it is destined to remain a dream.
Stories like the one above just brings a tear to my eye...but thank you for sharing it gypsy gal....maybe it will stir the collective concience....perhaps alone we cannot do much, but if we all act together, we can shape our world into anything we want it to be. Here's hoping it will be better than the one we live today, for the sake of our children.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?