Accessories market on B Ring,Between Sana to Crazy signal,you can find plenty of Off Road eqpts available,but you have to be an expert to rate shackles and snatch straps.Majority of non-standard Chinese manufacturers quote break-strength instead of SWL which is quite misleading for a layman.So just get your compressor and high lift jack from these shops.For snatch straps and shackles go further straight and just bang opposite[crazy signal] Tayseer petrol station there is a shop specialising in Industrial Equipments.They have some good rated items for such use.Also at the end of Al Asmakh street few shops sell such items.
ARB,Black Rat etc are easily available in Australia etc but to spot them here is very rare.Tents from Coleman etc can be obtained from Carrafore,and non standard tents can had from Golden Eagle in Souk Al Haraj,Najma.Lighting items from Coleman,coolers,gas lights,etc can be had from Mannai showroom opposite al Jarir book store,nr Ramada hotel.Also Waeco Coolers can be had from Jumbo,Musherib St.opposite Sofitel.
Accessories market on B Ring,Between Sana to Crazy signal,you can find plenty of Off Road eqpts available,but you have to be an expert to rate shackles and snatch straps.Majority of non-standard Chinese manufacturers quote break-strength instead of SWL which is quite misleading for a layman.So just get your compressor and high lift jack from these shops.For snatch straps and shackles go further straight and just bang opposite[crazy signal] Tayseer petrol station there is a shop specialising in Industrial Equipments.They have some good rated items for such use.Also at the end of Al Asmakh street few shops sell such items.
ARB,Black Rat etc are easily available in Australia etc but to spot them here is very rare.Tents from Coleman etc can be obtained from Carrafore,and non standard tents can had from Golden Eagle in Souk Al Haraj,Najma.Lighting items from Coleman,coolers,gas lights,etc can be had from Mannai showroom opposite al Jarir book store,nr Ramada hotel.Also Waeco Coolers can be had from Jumbo,Musherib St.opposite Sofitel.