Labour Law:

Article (86) :

"A child who has not attained the age of sixteen may not be employed in a work of whatsoever nature and shall not be permitted to enter into any of the place of work."

Article (87):

" A juvenile may not be employed without the consent of his father or guardian and the issuance of a special permission from the Department.

If the juvenile is a Qatari pupil an approval from the Minister of Education shall be obtained. The Juveniles shall not be employed in the works, where its nature and circumstance of the performance of which may cause damage to the health, safety or morals thereof. These works shall be determined by a decision of the Minister."

Article (88)

" A Juvenile may not be employed before he has been medically examined by the competent medical authority and his fitness for the work he is required to perform has been proved.

The employer shall repeat the medical examination of the Juvenile at least once a year."

Article (89)

" A Juvenile may not be employed between sunset and sunrise or on the days of rest or during the official holidays or for more than the normal working hours and may not be retained in the place of work for more than seven continuous hours."

Article (90)

" The normal working hours for the Juvenile may not exceed thirty six hours per week at the rate of six hours per day with the exception of the month of Ramadan when the working hours shall not exceed twenty four hours per week at the rate of four hours per day.

The time which the Juvenile spends in transporting between his residence and place of work shall not be calculated in the working hours.

The working hours shall include one or more intervals for rest or taking meals so that the Juvenile may not work continuously for more than three consecutive hours. Such interval or intervals shall not be calculated as part of the working hours. "

Article (91)

"The employer shall keep in the file concerning the Juveline his birth certificate, his medical fitness certificate and the certificate of the periodical medical examination conducted on him."

Article (92)

" Every employer employing a Juvenile or more shall perform the following:­

1. Submit to the Department a statement showing the name and work of the Juvenile and date of his engagement.

2. Post up in a conspicuous place a clear statement of the working hours, the Juveniles employed by him and their intervals of rest."

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