Please provide your VIN so that the correct engine code can be obtained. Also please rpovide engine details as 4 engines were available that year. You should be able to find this information in the owner's manual. The key is CC's and number of valves.
Just to let you know the part # you have provided is for a 1990 Geo Tracker Motor. I would be willing to bet the site gets you the correct part more so than the mechanic here.
Please provide your VIN so that the correct engine code can be obtained. Also please rpovide engine details as 4 engines were available that year. You should be able to find this information in the owner's manual. The key is CC's and number of valves.
If you use this information you can then use to find the part
Just to let you know the part # you have provided is for a 1990 Geo Tracker Motor. I would be willing to bet the site gets you the correct part more so than the mechanic here.
Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?