As we are all free to think and choose then what would be the ultimate power?

The will will of man is ultimately responsible for all that is done by man. At no point in my life has a voice spoken to me (well quite a few in my head but they sound like me) and commmanded me to do anything. My own will is responsible for all I choose. My beleifs and values guide what I do. That guidance may be cultural, religtious, or just alchol talking. In th end however YOU and you alone are responsible for your will and your desires.

Let us respect religion and acknowledge it is a powerful tool for guidance, but if all that is done is god's will then we have a very sick, twisted, and occasionally perverted god.

In beleif of "it is god's will" then his will made Hitler kill hundreds of thousands, his will creates pedophiles and tells them to act, and his will that I drink VERY LARGE quantities of ALCoHOL and consume PORK.

So is it all God's will? Hmmmm...the intelligent, rational, and free thinking man would say.....NOPE

Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?