I know someone who is on vacation there .. Will check...
Would like to but am afraid
Will buy the platinum pass and have fun - joys
Welcome Sukant my pal .. Enjoy your stay
Molten my pal.. There is nothing to agree or disagree...
We must all make sure to follow the proper path with...
We will take extra care / joys
Enjoy your life back home and have joys my pal
We fully support the authorities in the fight against...
Such wise advice.. We must defrost chicken properly...
I know someone who is on vacation there .. Will check...
Would like to but am afraid
Will buy the platinum pass and have fun - joys
...Welcome Sukant my pal .. Enjoy your stay
Molten my pal.. There is nothing to agree or disagree...
We must all make sure to follow the proper path with...
We will take extra care / joys
Enjoy your life back home and have joys my pal
...We fully support the authorities in the fight against...
Such wise advice.. We must defrost chicken properly...