There are good times ahead .. Joys
This is a wise investment.. Joys
And few university of India
Pay 10 riyals to a technician and he will help you my...
You cannot hold both my pal
We support the embassy and the work it does
This is good news for all
There is always a solution my pal
Will be there tonight with my flask of camel's...
We are sure sine kindhearted soul will help .. Joys...
There are good times ahead .. Joys
This is a wise investment.. Joys
And few university of India
Pay 10 riyals to a technician and he will help you my...
You cannot hold both my pal
We support the embassy and the work it does
...This is good news for all
There is always a solution my pal
Will be there tonight with my flask of camel's...
We are sure sine kindhearted soul will help .. Joys...