Yes she came here on a Business-work Visa sponsored by...
the minimum salary req. is 10k. if your husband is...
Hi Pacific heir, why not ask for an NOC from your...
Hi all just want to update this thread! My application...
mi massarathm ustafa, i don't know mary vani and...
hahah technom is my first name in reverse man, Lol!...
Marjoree-vani haahah!
Thanks for the Info Mary-vani! this is a big help! Its...
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply Molten...
Hi thank you all for the reply!
So theres a...
Yes she came here on a Business-work Visa sponsored by...
the minimum salary req. is 10k. if your husband is...
Hi Pacific heir, why not ask for an NOC from your...
Hi all just want to update this thread! My application...
mi massarathm ustafa, i don't know mary vani and...
hahah technom is my first name in reverse man, Lol!...
Marjoree-vani haahah!
Thanks for the Info Mary-vani! this is a big help! Its...
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply Molten...
Hi thank you all for the reply!
So theres a...